Marching Band Bowling Event

All marching band students are invited to join us at Mike Aulby's in Lafayette at noon for a fun band bowling event.  Each student will get 2 games of bowling and shoes provided for them.  Family members are welcome to join us but will need to give the band $5.50 to cover two games and shoes...what a…

Football vs. Brebeuf

We will leave WLHS at 4:30PM.  We will provide Subway box dinners for any student who can go and we will also provide one for the bus-riding chaperones.

Marching Band Banquet

It's official that marching band season has also come to a close. It is time to celebrate our talented and hard working band! The Sound of West Side marching band banquet is scheduled for Sunday November 7th at 6 pm in the LGI Room at the Jr/Sr. High. Please RSVP on the attached Google form…

Parent meeting

WLJSH 1105 Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN, United States